What is Computer?


What Is Computer

Computer is a short-form (Common Operating Machine Purposely Used For Technological and Educational Research) name of machine. This machine is on  top of human creations , mainly used to store, share and edit data. Data can be text, sound, photos, videos, and even 3D models. In first, we just want to make machine for calculations (Massive Calculations). You can read about this more on my previous blog.

First Computer

At first, computer were too large in size which occupy space of large room of house. And that computer was made of Vacuum Tubes. You can say that computer a  Vacuum Tubes Computer . They were too slow and produced a lot of heat, that's why people don't like to use it. But, it gave results pretty accurate and  take commands on card  (No Keyboard & No Mouse) and that's why rich people buy this to use it as account holding machine, to store every data and transaction of company.

Can You Make Your Own Computer

No, because computer engineers use huge machine to  construct it on microscopic level , that's why today's computers are too fast and portable.
But, you can try to make your own by using some pre-made hardware's or vacuum tubes.

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Vishal Raj

Graphic Designer, Game Developer, Web Developer and Data Scientist.

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