Programming Languages You Must Learn

Best Programming Languages


Programming Languages are languages to  communicate  with computer. It's used to make software's, games, websites and digital gadgets. These languages can sort by difficulty, some have high difficulty because they have symbols and undefined codes and others have low difficulty because they use simple language which is almost understandable to common human but with difference of usage. I will describe some famous languages which you should learn.


Programming Languages

1.  Python
                Every developer knows that why I'm including Python in my list, because it's  easy to use  with lower difficulty. It's just like you are writing and reading English. It is widely used to create  A.I's and Web Back-End  ( I will describe them in my later article ), But you can use it to make basic software's and mobile apps.

2.  Java
                Java is very old and initial language. It is used in  android app develping and digital gadgets . It is not easy as Python but you can learn it easily by finding great course. Because of it's less application you can create app and gadgets easily. 

3.  JavaScript
                JavaScript is Object-Oriented language which used in  web development . It's not like Java we just named it JavaScript. HTML & CSS is to give structure and design website but JavaScript make website alive because its including  animation, automation  and other different functions. This language is also used in app development. It's difficult is just like Java but it is just for animation and functions.

4.  C# (C Sharp)
                C# which also know as C Cool is language based on C++ but it is more easy than that. Yes, it's easy to use and famous  create GUI  (Graphic User Interface) app and  Game Development using Unity. You can create Android app, IOS app, Windows app and Unity Game using C#. It's is easy to use because of it's different templates in Visual Studio.

5.  PHP
                PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is also used for web development to  control servers  and more advance function like complete software in website. it's not easy to use language but it should be learn to connect yourself with  Networking .

How To Learn

If you want to learn these languages than you should visit my previous article on Best Apps To Learn Programming And Coding by clicking here. Because I prefer to learn these languages on Android and IOS apps, reason is also defined in that article.

More Programming Languages which re on trending are:

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Vishal Raj

Graphic Designer, Game Developer, Web Developer and Data Scientist.

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