Is time travel possible? Can you do it?

 Time Travel

Science Of Time Travel

Time Travel is most complex thing in science and that's why we call it  Paradox . When we visit future and then back into present the visited is future will be past and our next future is also contained by past and according to scientist there is no present, after every  yocto second  (0.000000000000000000000001 second) we are passing the present in to past.

Is Time Travel Possible?

The answer to this question is YES!. With complex equation and laws introduced by most intelligent scientists including  Einstein , we are near to create an time machine.
It will get multiple years to invent a time machine with an reasonable logic.

How Scientist can Time Travel?

For now the reasonable logic is to create  Warmhole into Hyperspace . This logic is derived from the law of relativity. Where we can make Warmhole using time machine into timeline which is in Hyperspace and fold it through various methods to make future timeline below present timeline and then we use this whole to travel through it. EASY PEASY!

Can You Time Travel?

Of course, you can time travel. Want to know how, just continue reading.
You can time travel up to 1 hour in past just by  airplane . Example, you got a flight from Moscow, Russia to Nuuk, Greenland and fastest airplane will be reached in 5 hours and Greenland's time is 6 hours behind then Moscow. So, if you got flight at 5 PM you will reach at 4 PM on same day. I think you understand clearly that how can you time travel.
This method is just like setting your clock 1 hour behind because nothing will be change. Your age will be same, your problems will be same and you also can not see that what happen in past. Time Travel is kind a complex. Many scientist are working to make efficient methods to calculate it, but we didn't get anything like that.

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Vishal Raj

Graphic Designer, Game Developer, Web Developer and Data Scientist.

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